Monday, 9 September 2013

Post Impact 8

I did a 'test layout' on our glass table, in our house,  a couple of days before going along to Dundee University.  I knew that this table was approximately the same size as the ones we were being 'allotted' at the book artists exhibition display area.    I have to admit I found displaying Sue Corr's book a bit of a trial - its so exquisitely delicate and complicated.  In the end - as things turned out -   she was able to set it up for herself, at the Conference. 

Top left:  Teresa Gomez Martorell's book "Orto", Right:  Madeleine Samson's book,
Lower left: Mary Taylors book"Fast and Shiny", Lower right: Sue Corr's book "Shadow Boundaries".

Sandra Winkworths book, which I found a bit tricky to get into correct display mode "Birds Home"

Centre left:  Aine Scannell's  book (untitled),  centre:  right: Sue Corr's book  "Shadow Boundaries".
Lower left: Anna Johnson's book "Nothing", right:  Mary Taylor's book  with the lid of Annie Woodford's book.

The details for this are, as per previous photo -  except now you can view Madeleine Samson's book opened

Top left: Aine Scannell's  book (untitled), Below:  Anna Johnson's book "Nothing"

Top left: Annie Woodfords book opened, top right: Aine Scannell's  book (untitled).
Lower left: Sylvia Taylor's book, "I've Got Your Back" opened,  right:  Anna Johnson's book "Nothing".

I like how you can get a sense of the blue-ness,  in this opened-out view of Teresa Gomez Martorell's book "Orto".   Lower left: Sue Corr's book  "Shadow Boundaries", right:  opened view of  Madeleine Samson's book. 

Left: Teresa Gomez Martorell's book "Orto", right: opened view of Denise Pelletier's book.
Left: Sue Corr's book,  "Shadow Boundaries" opened, on the  right:  an open view of  Madeleine Samson's book. 

Top: opened view of  Marilee Salvator's book, below left:  Aine Scannell's untitled book, and on the right: an open view of Sue Corr's book,  "Shadow Boundaries".

Top left:  partial view of  Eleanor Symm's book,    left:  Sylvia Taylor's book "I've Got Your Back" and on the right:  Annie Woodford's book.

Sandra Winkworths book "Birds Home"

Artists Books Exhibition at Impact 8 ( Part 1 )

General view from our table in the 'Artists Books" exhibition area at DJCAD, University of Dundee.

In the foreground on the long plinth is a selection of artists books from Bookartobject's most recent edition (edition4) which were displayed by Sara Bowen to accompany her talk about the project: Conversations: artists’ books from BookArtObject Edition Four  .  My book " Where Sleeping Birds Lie" is one of the selected books displayed, on the plinth.

Unravelling Signatures table at Impact 8, (Photo 1)  In the upper centre you can see Anna Johnson's beautiful book "Nothing"  - like many of the pieces it's best viewed in the real and handled to appreciate its tactile qualities.  Lower left and somewhat honey and amber coloured is my own artists book for the Unravelling Signatures project,  as yet it is still untitled.  That cover is made from a previously inked  drypoint card plate - that I liked the look of.  

Madeleine Samson (one of our exhibiting artist from Canada)  at our table looking through Eleanor Symm's book "Crumple" .  On the extreme right is Annie Woodford's much admired book which explored the microscopic.

General view (2) from our table in the 'Artists Books" exhibition area at DJCAD.  Upper left with a maroon coloured neck-scarf, is Sumi Perera.  We were both selected and exhibited in "Small Print Big Impression" a couple of years back.   It's  a mini print exhibition held by Leicester Print Workshop every few years.  I would recommend making a submission to it - if and when they put another call-out for works.  The exhibition is well organized,  publicized and I got more sales through that exhibition than in any other I have participated in.  Always a nice catalogue too.  Sumi had an exhibition of prints called "Lines Exploring Space…"
and also presented an artists book called  "Nature of the Place", in the Open Book session.

In the centre of the picture is  Sue Corr, who is one of the exhibiting artists with Unravelling Signatures.  A big thank you to Madeleine and Sue for collecting the box of artists books for me,  on the Tuesday morning and setting them up for display on the Wednesday morning before the conference opened -  as I had difficulties with being able to attend in person. Sue and Madeleine were so good at mingling and  explaining and sharing our project with  people - I really appreciated their enthusiasm.

Aine Scannell finally gets to meet the lovely Sara Bowen, in person.  Aine has been a participating artist in Bookartobject, an international artists books making project since 2010.  The project was initiated by Sara, in August 2009.  Since then its grown and grown and grown - culminating in the most recent edition (4) which featured 100 books !!!!!................... more about the project see the WEBSITE

Unravelling Signatures on display at the Artists Books exhibition within Impact 8, International Printmaking conference held at Dundee University 2013.  In the foreground green coloured, on the lower left is Mary Hoods book.  Mary who I first came across, a few years back, on Inkteraction makes artists books and prints and installations.  I loved how she integrated inkjet and traditional printmaking and thats how we initially got communicating.  

Mary presented a paper, in a panel discussion called " Appropriation in Post Digital Practices" at the conference.  I regret to say, that I did not get to meet Mary in person.

Above someone looking through an artists book called "The Office"by Martin Rieser, see his biography page on the impact site for further info about his project.  Martin also presented a paper "3D Printing - Inside Out".

Machteld Hali ( an interesting artist who lives in Australia and who I very much enjoyed meeting) , myself (Aine Scannell) and artist Martin Rieser ( who I also had the pleasure of meeting)  at Impact 8,  in the Artists Books exhibition area, DJCAD.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Update from Aine... Beginning August 2013

Well the deadline is drawing ever closer and I don't know about you guys but I had better 'get my finger out' and get my book completed !!!
I have to go up to Dundee University on the 28th of this month to install our project at Impact 8.
I do now have all my pages completed so its now a case of collating them and making the cover etc.

I apologise for being somewhat 'out of the loop' for a while............various factors were at play including extreme heat and the completion of my edition of 20 X A3 size prints for the print workshop here in Dunfermline.................we are presenting a portfolio and an exhibition of the works.  Special 'rarely seen' and very welcome Icelandic  visitors also had to be entertained. 
Household pets going through ill health...............  the list goes on and on and on..........I suppose you might say 'life got in the way'........ sort of thing.

Given that the weather here is usually tending to the grey and cold side be so hot that it was difficult to apply oneself to physically vigorous tasks.......was utterly, utterly bizarre!!.     Yet there it was.  On those days I could only just manage to work at the computer.


1.  Denise Pelletier 

2.  Sue Corr

3.  Mary Taylor

4.  Anna Johnson

5.  Mary Hood

6.  Anna Woodford

7.  Marilee Salvator

8.  Madeleine Samson

9.  Mary Taylor it feels good to have it 'done and dusted' !!!!

Of course one of the other factors that has been bothering me in my own efforts to adhere and complete my own book has been the fact that I found it 'difficult' in an aesthetic and tactile sense,  to engage with the nature of the paper that the Blurb books are printed on .  

Even though I upgraded to the so called 'premium matte',  I might as well have stayed with the standard Blurb option, for all the difference it made.  

I'm afraid that like my usual self I got carried away with the idea of it all and the products, possibilities,  projects I was creating in my imagination............... way too much............. before I really thought it all through in a practical sense. 

I am sure that many of you will have found this a problem too.?

However given the great outcomes I have been receiving in the post this past month .............I can see that, none the less,  you have put so much effort and thought into the very unique art works that you have created.

Well done !!!!

I have to admit that I am  a bit worried,  as to those of you I / we have not heard that much from...........................I do hope that you will post your books through to me to reach me before the 27th August.

Please do email me again for my postal address - if you cant locate it.

Speaking of not being able to locate data / information /  files............

Well I had an 'accident' with my computer which has left me without about half of the files I had on my computer.....amongst which was the folder which contained  all my work for this project.

So unfortunately this means that if you originally sent me high resolution files (jpgs)  images of your books then I would very much appreciate it - if you would re send them to me. I am really sorry to have to put you to the trouble of doing it again.

The People I hope to receive works from  are :

Teresa Gomez-Martorell

Eleanor Symms

Sylvia Taylor

Sandra Winkworth

Paul Musgrove

Kestutis Vasiliunas

Jonathan Stewart

Colleen Corradi Brannigan

.......that will make a total of 18 completed art works.

We did start out with 20 participants but one person here in the UK, Janet Allsebrook,  had to drop out because of family difficulties.  The other person was Sarah Clark who had moved to the channel islands about 2 years ago and had indicated her desire to participate.  However she seemed to drop off the radar - all emails kept coming back to my email box and occasional web searches yielded no further information.

I look forward to receiving the remaining pieces.................


Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Shadow Boundaries
sue corr

Just trying to get some decent photos of my book now

Monday, 29 July 2013


Some pics from my altered book.
Orto is the name of the exact moment of sunrise. During 21 days, I took a picture at the same time. The light that comes from the dark. The longer day.
And the morning star.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Marilee's Final Book Photos

Hello! I am finished with my book and wanted to share some photos. I really enjoyed the project and found it very natural and hightly related to my working process in general even though I have only made one other book, ever. Perhaps I am a bookmaker at heart?
Some of the prints that I was using to collage into the POD book. I print things such as etching, relief etching, lithography and screen prints onto Asian papers (mainly Thai Kozo and very thin Mulberry), then I cut them out. Allowing me to play with transparency and layering in countless combinations.

On the lt is the print on demand that I made from Blurb. On the rt is the final book that was deconstructed, altered and reconstructed.

Final Front Cover

Back Cover

All images below are from the final altered book. If you are interested in seeing the original POD book, here is the link:

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Fast & Shiny -- a little book about America's love affair with the automobile.

Hello all,

Aine, I'm so glad you invited me to do this though your ears may have been burning when I was asking myself.....WHY am I doing this?  I can't wait to see what everyone has done and how you all feel about the project. Will any of you be doing editions of the book you have created?

On my blog there is a long article about the experience and included some of my process shots.   Ultimately I overprinted my pages using an inkjet printer and created new covers, relying on my extensive digital printmaking experience and limited book binding skills to rescue me. I had intended to create a very different book.  Earlier in June I fractured vertebrae in my back and it has made me terribly grumpy while limiting my ability to do many things, including focus.  I had to rethink this project many times, since I screwed up so many things along the way,  I'm sure you can relate.  I tell you all of this because for those of you who are not done,  keep at it, it will come together.  

You can see my book on my blog at -- pictured is my inside title page printed on velum with the first page below.   This is my favorite spread in the whole book.  Ann was talking about her interleaved pages and I'm sure they will make her book very compelling.  The 2nd photo shows the book block all sewed together ready for attaching the covers with the printed red marbled paper.


Monday, 1 July 2013

Anna's update

Ok Everyone,

Time to do an update on how I'm getting on.
Well at first , I wasn't keen to do this, mainly because I didn't think I would have the time. I started up and run Green Door Printmaking Studio (now with the help of Pandora, my multi-talented daughter). Thats it..doesn't sound much does it? but take a look at our website, and you might have to change your mind. Theres's only the two of us doing everything. Pan designed and made the website too.
Anyway, Aine persuaded me I must do this brief as well!  and now I'm enjoying it a lot. So thank you Aine.

I am now in process of putting my Blurb book back together, after taking it apart, and have decided to collaborate with my friend and associate , Fine artist and Bookbinder Matt Edwards on the project. The book is the result of roughly ten years of work on the subject of 'Nothing' and honing in on death as a major part of it. The prints reproduced in the book are just a few of the body of work done during this time, and hopefully form a readable  story in images. All of the prints are made using innovatory techniques formulated during the 'printmaking revolution' which took place after the advent of the computer age, and adopted by me in Green Door as a part of our more environmentally sound studio, even though I originally trained as a traditional printmaker.
After a lot of discussion with Matt, I have decided to screen print a new cover which will also have little wings. I am inserting very fine japanese paper interleaves with planned screenprints on each which will figure in front of each of the reproduced prints, a nod to old books of etchings which have tissues to protect them. I am also inserting an etching at the end of the book which will fold out when the book is stood on end to display. All the work is combined using natural colours, hand made Japanese papers which I love to use in my prints, and earth toned silk embroidery threads to sew the book together. The print at the end is giving me a headache, being not firm enough to origami, so I have to experiment with to follow.   Anna

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Shadow Boundaries.....update

After battling like mad (it’s the perfectionist in me) trying to make the unravelled concertina book work on both sides, it took me all week to surrender and realise that it just ‘aint gonna’ work, it’s a physical and visual impossibility.

So I ‘hung it out to dry’ as it were and saw that it would work if I concentrated on one side only, displayed it vertically, and perhaps turned the imagery so it views vertically ….

And it was lovely to stop fighting with it.  Some of the double page spread images won’t work quite as well so I will just use the ones that work as a single page.

Now my problem is to work out how to attach the pages together seamlessly…or at least appear seamless!  This is still the dummy book.

sue corr

Friday, 21 June 2013

Shadow Boundaries continued

So I sliced the dummy book open ending up with single sheets (and numbered them very quickly) and started to attach it back together in concertina style adding a few shadowy cut outs in between the pages just to get the feel of the book.

It was interesting and difficult because whilst I was paying attention to the top of the pages as I was attaching them I couldn't see what was happening underneath and obviously the published double pages have been split up and are appearing randomly.    This is bringing to mind Cages' ideas about chance...and just letting the reverse happen of its own accord.

It was quite dark when I took this photo but you get the idea. 

sue corr

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Shadow Boundaries

Is there anybody out there?....

A shame not more people are contributing to the blog.

Well for what it is worth here is my blog donation.

I highly recommend Blurb.  Their support service is awesome.  I had a text error on one of my pages of the published book and they have dispatched two further copies for me free of charge.  So much to my delight I have two extra books to play with and I can really wreck one now and stretch the boundaries even further.

So before prising the blurb book apart I lay out the rough pages separately in order to work out how I could add bits in between the original pages

It was at this light bulb moment it dawned on me that there was something printed on the other side and how would this work within my unravelled book?

I am currently looking into the possibility of some laser cutting to lace in between the pages and make a concertina book but I will have to carry on researching with the dummy copy to see how this is going to work with the imagery on both sides

sue corr