Friday, 24 May 2013

So....I have all my images now....I am satisfied that they are a coherent gathering that flows and I have enjoyed the process immensely.  I am now embarked on a journey of research regarding the shadow, wonderful.  And as you can see from the images I have altered my title.  I love it when things link up....In the past I have taken lots of photos of shadows and not really connected with it until now and I have also suddenly remembered the only poem I learnt by heart as a child: My Shadow by Robert Louis Stevenson.  And of course researching Carl Jung's  construct of the shadow which is opening up lots of possibilities.

 The Dummy Cover

I am just trying to work out now if there should be some blank pages scattered throughout the published to book to add bits on to or cut bits out.....I am thinking perhaps that I want to somehow create shadows with the book itself.  All a bit of a learning curve as I am new to altered books.

1 comment:

  1. Sue

    I love this idea for your book I really do and I look forward to seeing it. I dont think I can remember any poems I learnt "off by heart" as a child. I have a feeling that maybe i was'nt very good at that !!

    I used to love making up poems though, when we were allowed to do that and also making imagery to do with poems. I had one teacher, a nun, Sister R., ( I cant give her full name in case she is still on the planet) who used to have me making pictures for the history lessons and there I would be while the lesson was going on, at the side of the room - with all my art materials really enjoying myself.
    The other girls, meanwhile, were just doing the programmed history lesson looking pretty bored.
