Saturday, 25 May 2013

I wanted to post some snap shots of what I am up to. I have been working on altering my pod book for the last week or so. Lately the way I work is to print a lot of different elements on Asian papers and cut them out and then colle them. So, I am approaching the book in the same way. Many of the elements to be colled are printed intaglio, some screen. A colleague who teaches book arts showed me how to take the POD book apart and we discussed my possibilities for rebinding. I forgot which one we decided would work the best... Anyway, it will involve sewing, I liked that look much better than the perfect binding. THe content of the book is related to cellular structures as well as patterns that are inspired from India. I have been combining the two a great deal in the last year or so. I think I should be done with the pages, well at least the first round, they may get altered more than once, in a week or so. I am planning on a soft cover as I do not like the way her hard cover examples looked.


  1. Looks great, which photo shows the before pages?

  2. Thanks Mary!. I didn't post any of the before photos. There are all after alterations have been done. I can post some before shots in the next few days.

  3. Marilee

    Hey - great stuff going on here and you sound like you have everything under control - if that is'nt too odd a thing to say . You are 'well on the way' - thats the main thing. I recognized the imagery as yours immediately. I am so pleased to hear that you have a bookart colleague, to lend you support.
